The SEG-C system is comprehensive law enforcement solution for mass transit providers
The SEG-C Law Enforcement system provides municipalities and mass transit agencies the ability to deploy a software that truly matches their needs. Since 10+ years we partner with municipal governments, mass transit providers and law enforcement agencies. Our powerful computer system is considered one of the most comprehensive law enforcement solution available today. SEG-C enable municipalities and their transit agencies effective enforcement to the passengers who violate fare payment and other policies or codes of conduct. System administrator can create agency-defined codes and customize their experience for the best service available. We offer a modular design and flexible deployment options. Transit agencies can gradually deploy modules prioritizing their needs and allowing ROI to be established at the early stages of project.
This system, developed in close cooperation with our partners and customers is designed to effectively support today’s mass transit fare enforcement.
Several dozen of cities and transit agencies enjoy the benefits of SEG-C proven, leading-edge technologies.
Innovation Award
At the 10th International Fair of Public Transport – TRANSEXPO 2012, SYSTEmEG Ltd. has been awarded in category: Innovative implementation of the SYSTEmEGC Mobile application.

TRANSEXPO is the most important in the Central and Eastern Europe International Fair of Public Transport.
SYSTEmEGC Mobile Transit Fare Enforcement software is the perfect solution for cities wanted crack down on transit fare evasion and prevents adjudication problems due to illegible tickets. This app is considered one of the most comprehensive law enforcement apps for fare inspectors in Poland. Application can be installed on wide range of professional terminals with Windows Embedded CE/Mobile system. Multifunctional hand-held devices improve accurancy and speed data entry proces. All the information from terminals are downloaded in real-time into a database.
SYSTEmEGC Mobile app is very suitable for use in public transport.
The SEG-C system implemented in the City of Poznan
SYSTEmEG in cooperation with Atos(Bull) company deployed the SEG-C system in the City of Poznan, Poland. Our end-to-end management and law enforcement solution for urban transport authority (ZTM) is a supplementary solution to the Poznan Electronic Agglomeration Card (PEKA) system.
In the City of Poznan and surrounding municipalities, there are various types of tickets and smart electronic PEKA cards being used in trams and urban buses. Not only does PEKA provide cost effective and more efficient ways for passengers to pay; it also enables ZTM to process fare collection more accurately. To prevent inaccurancy, the mobile workforce uses the SYSTEmEGC Mobile fare enforcement app (Award recipient at the 10th International TRANSEXPO 2012). Fare inspectors, equipped with easy-to-use multifunctional terminals, are able to easily verify payments and issue a printed citation. For real-time validation we deployed the mobile middleware needed to bridge mobile app to system’s back-end. Digital input data is recorded directly into Company’s general ledger accounts. This solution makes the near real-time reporting goals and assistance in mass recovery of low-value debts, a much smoother and efficient process. PEKA is not only useful for the commuters, but also beneficial for the transit operators.
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
SYSTEmEG has partnered also with Asseco company to implement smart enforcement solutions for urban transport authorities in larger cities such as Warsaw and Lodz.